Monday, May 16, 2011

For starters...Hi!

Hi! My name is Liz, and I've started this blog because I've been cooking healthy food like a mad woman (mostly in weekend spurts because I'm once again employed, and I'm a student). I cook healthy food because A) It's necessary because being healthy is good, and B) I have a spouse of 9 years who is a barrel chested 6ft tall and now 260 some-odd pounds, down from 290, and hopefully counting down. He also is recovering from what is basically a broken back, and is not the best at saying no to food. He doesn't look like he weighs as much as he does, but he feels it in his back. Me, I'm 5'3, 150lbs, and actually happy with my weight. It just needs a bit of toning. I do NOT look good under 140. I have a large bone structure that even at 150, you can count my ribs. I think it's icky. I'm saying all this so you know where we're at physically.

Food-wise, it's absurd the amount of chemicals go into our food, and it seems unnecessary, but it makes a lot more food for a lot less money, and we're suffering for it. I've had more than enough.

So we're working on my mates weight, and our overall health together. Changing our lifestyle. My partner has lost more than 20lbs in the last 3 months, and I don't foresee the weight going back on unless I up and stop cooking, and I don't plan on doing that.

I based my mates daily food regiment on the Nutrisystem diet, at least as far as portions and the types of foods he can eat and when. The similarities end there. He actually did the diet for a bit, lost a chunk of weight, and as happens with diets, it went back on. The other problem with this particular diet is that we were spending $300 for their food, plus supplementing with produce, PLUS buying food for me. The food costs were absurd, and the ingredient lists on the food were freaky.

When I first commandeered his diet, I was getting him Nutrisystem food from Big Lots! And then I read the ingredients and enough was enough. We're both cancer risks, and I don't even know half of what's actually in my food.

I had been unemployed for several months when I started him on the "diet", so I had all the time in the world to cook. And cook I did. Healthy, hearty food. Natural food. Food where I could read the ingredients.

My friends have been hearing tales of my kitchen adventures on Facebook, and now I'll stick them all in one place.

In this blog, you'll find the following:

~Ingredients that are in my kitchen all of the time
~Items that we use to make food in bulk
~Items that we use to store food in bulk
~Recipes, both my own and others
~The daily regiment
~What we cook every month
~Time savers
~Kitchen Gadgets, my new friends!

I hope you enjoy!

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